Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Through Ups and Downs

______"You shall find how salty is the taste of another man's bread, and how hard is the way up and down in another man's stairs" - Dante Alighieri. Whatever the situation is, if it brings you down, strive your best not to be pulled in it. If it happens, a lot of negativity will happen to you. It was like a message of the last book I read, "Learn to catch yourself when you start to think negatively -- say to yourself, 'Don't go there.'
______ If there is no ups and downs in our life, it would be so boring, for no challenges would come and to fear or to challenge us.  If we fail in a quest, we should accept it. We should be sport and learn how to accept these failures. Within it, there are also positive factors that others would benefit.
______Going back to the story of Aeneas, he left his hometown in malady. For me, if that would happen to me, I'll do anything just to save it, but on the case of Aeneas, he did not.He understands that someday, this phenomenon will happen. Instead, he look for Latium, for them to live there and to build a new city.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Don't Leave Me Alone!

______"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone." --Orson Welles . There will be a time that each and every one of us would seek for someone for a true love --- love for another person.
______We don't want want to get hurt by the people we love,so we trust them. But it is not easy to accept when a certain situation is to be happening. Like when your partner in life needs to go away from you for a certain reason which he or she doesn't like, or simply forced to.
______Well, it is like the story of Andromache and Creusa, pleading their own husbands to stay home to be safe for not them to go to the war and die. But their endings are different, Andromache wasn't killed but Creusa was killed.  This is a strong proof that they love their husbands so much, pleading or pleasing them to stay home.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Oh Troy, Oh Troy

Oh Troy, Oh Troy.

______There is a part of the book of Aeneid by Virgil when, Aeneas narrates the story between Carthage and Troy. Wherein, Troy, is his homeland that was built by the Trojans and also where he serves, was absolutely seized by the Greeks.  Knowing that Trojans hates Greek people, there was this phenomena that happened. There is this so what you called " Trojan Horse " that was sent to Troy for their dear of precious Minerva. After that, when the Trojan Horse was already inside the walls of Troy, Troy was banished by the soldiers inside the horses tummy -- a surprise attack.
______From all of the things that happened to Troy, I was so depressed. I felt sympathy to them. Why? It's because it was unfair for the people of Troy. They don't even know that this was part of the plan of the Greeks. They were not ready for it. The city was in chaos. Aeneas luckily escaped from the Greeks but ironically, he was unlucky for the place where he live for such a lng time was ruined.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

______Mona Lisa is a very beautiful and a very famous piece of a great artist, Leonardo da Vinci. In this piece, it is known to be a half-length portrait of a young woman which has been acknowledged to be the most visited, most popular, most to be sung about and the most parodied piece in the whole world. 
______Some scientist say that her smile is mysterious. It just changes depending on the eyes of the viewers. For me, it seems like she's just pretending, secret hiding something on her back, another one is that she's purely happy, enjoying and living with her graceful smile. but in the end, Leonardo the Vinci did it well on doing on his piece and every one of us is dazzled with his work.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Conversation with My Dear Friends

Talon, The Blade's Shadow
Last week, we, JR, Jehiel, Ejie, Elli, Janella, Jad, and Geric had a conversation about League of Legends ( LoL ). Our main topic is all about some of the champions in it, like Caitlyn, Talon, Ashe, Vi, Jax, Le Blanc, Miss Fortune, Irelia, Volibear and Ahri.
Caitlyn, The Sheriff of Piltover
 " Hello guys! What do you think about the new champion ?" I asked.
" WHAT? New champion? Who is he or who is she?", Jehiel replied.
" That champ will be nerfed again, I think?", JR said.
" Bleh, My Le Blanc will defeat that, HAHAHAHAHA!", Jad murmured.
" By the way, she is Vi, The Piltover Enforcer, a partner of Caitlyn I guess?" I said.
" WHAT? Caitlyn? Wow.", Jehiel said.
" OP Champ? ", Elli asked.
" I dunno, but I like her because she is an Attack Damage Champ. Weeeee~." I answered.
" AD? Woah, I think I'll like her too, but I like Miss Fortune more.", Janella said.
" Volibear and Blitzcrank is enough for me, or even Talon." Elli said.
" For me, Ahri, Ahri, Ahri, Ahri. AHAHA.", Ejie said.
" Well Jax is OP too..." , Jehiel added.
" How about IRELIA? She's OP too, don't be." Geric replied.

Then after that, it is already time and we go to our own classrooms.
Vi, The Piltover Enforcer

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Meeting Mr. Jackson

______Remembering just this afternoon, I just realized that I'm sitting here in front of Starbucks Cafe. In a moment, like a bullet that shot in my head, I just realized that today is a red-letter day because I have  a special appointment with Michael Jackson. Actually, our meeting time is 10:00 am. Then suddenly saw him in front of me sitting with some of those luscious Frappuchino. 

______For a short time, I've realized that at so much excitement to see him, I can barely hear crickets in my head that symbolizes that everything has  been quiet. Then I immediately asked him some of my questions in mind that has not been answered yet. Like, when is your birthday? who are your parents? what or who inspires you to sing or to dance? What are the positive and negative traits that you have encountered and learned? these are just some of the informations.
______At the end of the day, we've enjoyed  much of the day and our questions to him are returned back immediately

Saturday, December 1, 2012

7 Circles of Violations